Mittwoch, 14. November 2007

4th Chapter, The Australian Connection

Dani and Alex have their first disagreement. When they saw some penguins standing in the spotlight, watched by a big croud of people, they have diffrent opinions weather that is good or not.

Alex thinks, the penguins don't really enjoy being stared by all those people, and then Dani says "...I thought you liked being in the spotlight"
Alex gets her wrong with this and answers in a little aggressive way.

For me, this wouldn't be a reason to stop talking to each other.I think Dani could have react in an other way. But after talking about it, they both took it with humour, and, in my opinion that's the most important thing in such an situation.

2 Kommentare:

Socke (-pupocke) hat gesagt…

hey anne,
If you ask me your right if you say that it is not a reason to stp talking but I think that alex and dani are very unsure because they like aech other and ont know aech aother for a long time.
In my opinion your text is very nice and I was pleased to read it!

Mit Schirm, Charme & Murakami hat gesagt…

Hey, sweetie!!
Reading your text is a great pleasure!(flattering..;)In a concrete text you mention all the important things, but the only thing I've to criticize: You should add a describtion why Alex was confused and answered in such a unexpected way, for exsample that he was afraid that Dani criticize his dreams of fame and so on..
Otherwise is all other perfect (there's nothing other I've expect..)
