Samstag, 17. November 2007

5th Chapter, The Australian Connection

I've got some questions for you guys concerning the 5the chapter of our book:
1. What is your opinion about the bands decision to lie at the police?
2. What do you think, which is the best character of the band, who reacts best in this bad situation?
3. What do you expect, how will Alex treat his father what do you think?

Thanks for your time, see you on monday =D


7 Kommentare:

Robert hat gesagt…

Answers to the text:

1.: I think they had to go to the
police because they drive over
a cow must inform the farmer.
But they can't disappoint
their fans, too.
2.: Joe react better as the others
and keep a cool head and have
3.: I think Alex will be very
excited to meet his father,
but he is angry, too.
So Alex wouldn't fall in his

Mit Schirm, Charme & Murakami hat gesagt…

I know that doesn't belong to the exercise but I just noticed ... that you think that the name of my blog is too long?! (ö-o arrogant look)
Well, they're easy to note because they include my favourite songs: Radiohead "Karmapolice" (you have to listen, even if you don't like it) & Panic! at the Disco "Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off"

PS: Your blog is beautiful and I agree yor opinion, but please don't whrite like this, that makes me jealous...

I love you CURLY ANN

Chicaloca hat gesagt…

You're soo sweet, honey, I will miss you very much!
Yours, anne

swaddel hat gesagt…

Hey Anne, here are my answers to your questions.

1. I found it really bad that they didn´t go to the police. I mean they can´t leave the little calf alone, maybe it will walk on the streat and somebody other will hit it.
2.I think also like Robert. That Joe is the coolest kid of the band and that he will keep the band togther.
3. I can imagine that Alex is very sceptical against his father and hat he wouldn´t let him excuse himself in a easy way.

love much and CU at tuesday

swaddel hat gesagt…

Hey Anne, here is one more comment to your comment on my questions.
It´s just a little ´cause i am the same oppnion like you and can´t add anything to yaur answers.
and luv ya!

Socke (-pupocke) hat gesagt…

1. In my opinion it would be better if they had told the police about the accident.
They had to pay money to the farmer because they hit the cow.

2.I agree with robert and swantje there is nothing to add.

3.I think that Alex will not knox what to say when he meets hgis father the first time.

Socke (-pupocke) hat gesagt…

To my comment: i wrote something in a wrong way: 1. In my opinion it would had been better....
is that rigth ? I am not sure...